The Heritage Game


The objectives of project No. 2023-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000154261 “A gamification model for community-based heritage work” are:

  • To foster community and civic engagement and democratic participation in the sphere of cultural heritage in low-density territories,
  • To create an operable framework and provide tools regarding gamification strategies and techniques for community-based/led heritage work,
  • To foster partnerships and mutual practice-oriented learning between local communities, academics, and university students,
  • To disseminate the benefits of gamification and community-based approaches in heritage.

The work plan of the project is composed of 5 work packages, which should ensuretheachievement of project objectives:

  • WP 1: Project management
  • WP 2: Best practices
  • WP 3: Methodology (Model development)
  • WP 4: Implementation (Heritage community engagement)
  • WP 5: Dissemination

During the implementation of the project, the partners have agreed to carry out the following activities:

  • Identifying, selecting, and analyzing examples of best practices in community-based gamification strategies for cultural heritage in low-density territories,
  • Developing a replicable and scalable gamification model for similar contexts and purposes to the best practice examples,
  • Developing an accessible gamification tool (app) for community-led/oriented heritage work,
  • Establishing community coalitions in all 7 countries for the development of community-based gamification solutions.

Three main target groups for the project are:

  • Communities in low-density territories, each within one of the 7 countries (e.g., local residents, members of local organizations, cultural agents, members of governing bodies).
  • University students from all participating institutions and a variety of academic fields, identities, and backgrounds.
  • Academic and heritage practitioner community.